Saturday we all went on a really fun 4-wheeler ride. We were gone about an hour and a half. The kids went with us and had a great time. The only thing that would have made it better is if we had packed a picnic. I think its a good idea for next time. Hopefully next time will come soon.
Today we mowed the lawn. It was getting pretty long because we hadn't been home due to kitchen remodels and hanging out with family. And we have alot of lawn. I mowed most of it and Kory tilled our garden. We moved it slightly from where we had it last year because there is a tree that shades part of it, and we had some plants that didn't do so well. While he was tilling up the garden, he found what at first looked like rodents, but upon closer inspection we decided that they were baby bunnies. Sadly 2 of the 3 were badly injured by the tiller. One was dead almost instantly and the 2nd looked like it would follow soon after. But the 3rd, escaped with just 2 spots of "shaved" fur. Joey was with us when this all went down so the surviving bunny is in a cardboard box. I am not sure if it is old enough to survive without its mom, but chances are she wont be back. Joey provided the bunny with a bowl of water and kept asking me what it wanted to eat. He must not have liked any of my answers because it still has just the bowl of water.
Once we got back to our yard work and gardening, we planted our plants. We now have tomatoes, pumpkins, strawberries, watermelon and cucumbers growing. We cheated a little this year and did all the planting with started plants instead of seeds. We feel like we got a late start so we are making up for it. Last year we did seeds so that could be part of the reason that our garden wasn't the greatest. For our garden this year, we are most looking forward to our pumpkins. I planted 6 already started plants, so we should have plenty of pumpkins for our nieces and nephews to come and pick one out to take home.