Sunday, June 12, 2011

After all the rain

This weekend in Bear Lake was pretty fun. Friday we went to Kory's Mom's house and hung out with everyone that was there. I believe it was friday when we got the photo of the rainbow, for a few minutes it was even a double rainbow.
Saturday we all went on a really fun 4-wheeler ride. We were gone about an hour and a half. The kids went with us and had a great time. The only thing that would have made it better is if we had packed a picnic. I think its a good idea for next time. Hopefully next time will come soon.
Today we mowed the lawn. It was getting pretty long because we hadn't been home due to kitchen remodels and hanging out with family. And we have alot of lawn. I mowed most of it and Kory tilled our garden. We moved it slightly from where we had it last year because there is a tree that shades part of it, and we had some plants that didn't do so well. While he was tilling up the garden, he found what at first looked like rodents, but upon closer inspection we decided that they were baby bunnies. Sadly 2 of the 3 were badly injured by the tiller. One was dead almost instantly and the 2nd looked like it would follow soon after. But the 3rd, escaped with just 2 spots of "shaved" fur. Joey was with us when this all went down so the surviving bunny is in a cardboard box. I am not sure if it is old enough to survive without its mom, but chances are she wont be back. Joey provided the bunny with a bowl of water and kept asking me what it wanted to eat. He must not have liked any of my answers because it still has just the bowl of water.
Once we got back to our yard work and gardening, we planted our plants. We now have tomatoes, pumpkins, strawberries, watermelon and cucumbers growing. We cheated a little this year and did all the planting with started plants instead of seeds. We feel like we got a late start so we are making up for it. Last year we did seeds so that could be part of the reason that our garden wasn't the greatest. For our garden this year, we are most looking forward to our pumpkins. I planted 6 already started plants, so we should have plenty of pumpkins for our nieces and nephews to come and pick one out to take home.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I had an interview at Family Dollar in Preston today. The job is for Assistant Manager. I am pretty sure I got the job, I have to do a drug test, and the DM told me that another DM will call me for a 2nd interview over the phone. I cant say that this is a dream job or that I am excited to go back to work, but we need the income. Its only about a 5 minute drive so that will be a nice change from driving to Logan every day.
I finally got my first Avon bonus check yesterday. I should start seeing more now. I have 10 people signed up under me with another 2 for sure signing this week. The more people I can sign under me, the better chance of getting more bonus checks.
It is raining again today. I wish the weather would just stay nice! I really don't mind a rain storm, but come on!
The kids seem to be enjoying "summer" break. I used quotations because it doesn't feel like summer. I need to get the kids signed up for some summer activities though. I am just being really slow about it, I am sure I probably already missed all or most of the sign up deadlines.
Getting back into blogging is fun, I don't have much to say these days but I really enjoyed it in the past. I will do my best to keep going, even if its just for myself because I don't have many readers.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Extreme Makeover: Argyle Edition

The past 4 days Kory's mom has been in Centerville, UT. While she was away all her boys and their wives have been busy demolishing and rebuilding her kitchen. It was a big project but we managed to get done enough today in time for her to come home. There are a few touchups still to do, but it looks amazing, and Denice was so surprised.
Anyone who has been to her house knows what a big change this is. It turned out very nice. Everyone put alot of hard work into this. Alot of this was refurbished, just painted up nice and clean, the counter tops are new and so is the tile. And some of the decor was new, and some of it were things Denice already had.
I am told that this project started as "lets get mom a new faucet because hers leaks". They decided that if they got a new faucet, she needed a new sink because hers wasn't in great shape. And of course a new sink would look great with a new counter top. And Brett happened to have some used cabinets already. Well it was me that said "if you are doing that, you should at least rip down the old wall paper and paint". Anyway, it progressed into a full kitchen remodel.
So Denice happened to be going down to Centerville for several days so all the boys and wives came over and worked practically day and night to pull this off. It looks wonderful and was worth all the effort.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

2 years 2 months later

After trying a few times and not trying too hard to remember my password, i finally figured out how to reset it so i can log back in again. good for me i guess. i enjoy blogging and its about the only reason why i miss myspace. facebook isnt really a place for blogs, although you can write notes but its not the same. most people just do constant status updates.
well has anything changed in 2 years since my last update on here? i doubt it. kory still does directv and dishnetwork. i have had a few different jobs, but for now i am selling avon, and i love it. i read my last blog from 2009 saying i was going to sell scentsy, and i might still but i wanted to do something different from everyone else. i have been selling for 3 months now and i have already signed up 9 people under me. not that it matters but at some point i should start seeing an income from their sales at some point. im not sure how long it takes to start seeing it because i signed up everyone really close to each other and its been pretty recent.
well im cutting this short for now, watching a new show that started tonight, called haunted collector. interesting so far.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

rain rain go away

Normally i love the rain. there is nothing better than a good rain storm, as long as thunder and lightning come with it. its raining today, but its a typical rain storm for idaho, just wet with no lightning or thunder. and i am sick of cold wet weather. bring on the sun! our forcast this morning said the next few days we could get snow, again. this picture i posted was this last weekend, easter weekend. granted, it was going through the canyon but people are still snowmobiling up there, and we saw several people coming and going as we drove. stupid snow.
well as for other news, joey had his birthday on easter. we got him a scooter so he could play with the neighboor boy who has one. he loves it. korys mom got him a flag for his bike so that he would stop putting her american flags from her flower pots on the back of his bike, and she got him a baseball set, but its made for kids, the mit and ball have velcro on them so you can catch it easier. and the bat is padded a little, to help avoid the injuries that im sure i would have from him sneaking up on me. from one of his aunts he got a chevron car. if you dont know what it is, cause i didnt used to, they are special brand of car that chevron puts out, like on their comercial. he didnt get a ton for his birthday, but it also being easter, he got all the normal easter stuff too.
i have decided to sell scentsy. its the one product i see myself selling and actually being really excited about what it is and doing well at it. im siging up under margo, my friend/cousins wife. i have considered other things before and was getting pretty serious about signing up but this one is one i can actually well, get excited about. i love candles and anything that smells good. if anyone has any questions feel free to ask me.

Monday, March 16, 2009

March 2009

Our season for shows and fairs is starting up. we set up our directv booth at different events, and this last weekend we had our first for the year. It was the Cache Valley Home and Garden show. I love doing shows, its always fun to see what the other vendors have.

Joey is still loving pre-school. and his speech class is making a difference.

Alyssa is our little princess. only she says "fa-fa". i dont really know how she got that from princess, but whatever... Her favorite princess is Ariel. or as she would put it "ariel-iel, fa-fa ermaid". she can say her m's but always leaves it off the front of mermaid.

well nothing is ever new with us and i have no complaints about anything. and that is always good. I am glad that the snow is gone, im looking forward to my birthday on friday and twilight comes out on dvd on the 21st. i havnt seen it yet. well thats it for now. maybe i will remember to keep this running. :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

halloween, late

well here are our costumes, Joey was a star trek guy, which his uncle brenden nicknamed "joey laforge" in alyssa's pic you can see her ready to do some sort of flip off the trike. the bottom one is of me and alyssa all decked out in our cheerleader uniforms which we found at DI. just so everyone knows, i was never a cheerleader in my life. but thats what halloween is about right? dressing up as something you are not. but we both look really cute. alyssa is even wearing eyeshadow. i tried to give her lipstick but she only wanted to lick it off.

so our halloween was fun. im now ready to get thanksgiving over with and move on the Christmas! yay! thats my favorite holliday ever. this week we are gettng our float ready for the festival of lights parade in preston. everyone should come and watch from our store. we are passing out glow braclets to people. my idea cause i thought it would be fun with it being a lighted parade and all. we are accepting volenteers too, anyone who wants to help walk the parade route and pass out flyers. buffy and her husband are coming in town for thanksgiving and have agreed to help. im so excited for her to visit again so soon.
my book will be done soon, its the family photo album of the tippets family. i want to have it done by thanksgiving so family can get their copy by christmas. thats the goal. i could be done now but im missing pics from a few families still. well they have one more week and then im finishing... im sure it will work out the way ive hoped.