Thursday, November 20, 2008

halloween, late

well here are our costumes, Joey was a star trek guy, which his uncle brenden nicknamed "joey laforge" in alyssa's pic you can see her ready to do some sort of flip off the trike. the bottom one is of me and alyssa all decked out in our cheerleader uniforms which we found at DI. just so everyone knows, i was never a cheerleader in my life. but thats what halloween is about right? dressing up as something you are not. but we both look really cute. alyssa is even wearing eyeshadow. i tried to give her lipstick but she only wanted to lick it off.

so our halloween was fun. im now ready to get thanksgiving over with and move on the Christmas! yay! thats my favorite holliday ever. this week we are gettng our float ready for the festival of lights parade in preston. everyone should come and watch from our store. we are passing out glow braclets to people. my idea cause i thought it would be fun with it being a lighted parade and all. we are accepting volenteers too, anyone who wants to help walk the parade route and pass out flyers. buffy and her husband are coming in town for thanksgiving and have agreed to help. im so excited for her to visit again so soon.
my book will be done soon, its the family photo album of the tippets family. i want to have it done by thanksgiving so family can get their copy by christmas. thats the goal. i could be done now but im missing pics from a few families still. well they have one more week and then im finishing... im sure it will work out the way ive hoped.

Monday, October 20, 2008

buff's wedding

well congratulations to buffy! she got married saturday. she is the last one of the group of cousins i hung out with regularly. enjoy the photos :) ive been pasting them everywhere, she's gonna be famous by the time im done... lol.
im glad she found fielding. they are lucky to have each other. does anyone else think he looks like the guy from the movie "Singles Ward"?

Thursday, October 9, 2008


ok, this blog spot is irritating, this is try #3. to make this short, back from omaha, dan came with for a week and flys back tomorrow. snow this weekend, that sucks.

well we are back from our trip to omaha. these are a few pics of the many. the one with grandpa, obviously not in omaha. dan came back with us for a week. anyway, we went to the zoo and to the river city roundup. we had alot of fun but we are glad to be back. but its too bad that we are getting snow in a few days. i hate the snow. maybe i should move to san diego with buffy. but i dont think kory would want to go, so i guess im stuck in the mountains. :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

in omaha

we are in omaha! its been fun but busy! we are working two shows while we are here, the home and garden expo and the river city roundup.
we miss our family back in idaho, especially with everything going on... we wish we were there to be supportive.
well talk to everyone later.